In this article, we will talk about an essential tool to optimize a site or blog and achieve privileged positions in search engines. Next, we will explain how to use Google Seach to make an SEO strategy more effective.

One of the strengths of this Google utility is that it is completely free, And, at the same time, provides a lot of data and metrics that are used to analyze audience behavior, manage Content Marketing strategies and, above all, do more effective search engine optimization techniques.

That said, below we will show you what are these techniques and tools that you can use to optimize SEO, thanks to Google Search Console.

7 techniques to optimize positioning using Google Seach Console for SEO

Set up the website

The first tool that we find within Google Search Console for SEO is the possibility of verifying that each domain that we have is working correctly. It is especially useful because, if the domain is found duplicated on the web, it would appear repeatedly indexed in the results, and Google does not like this.

The search engine recognizes that a site is repeated since it locates each web page by its URL, regardless of the content and, when finding this duality, penalizes the positioning and even the indexing of the site.

Thanks to Google Search Console we can indicate which domain we want Google to take into account when conducting its analysis, that is, our preferred domain.

  • Monitor traffic - When talking about Google Search Console for SEO, we cannot forget its 2 functionalities in terms of web page traffic.
  • Here we show them:
  • Search results - Perhaps it is one of the most relevant sections of the tool and the most important in Digital Marketing since it allows you to visualize which is or are the keywords that most often contain your website as a result.

Those are the keywords for which your site appears in internet search engines.

In general, it presents a table with the following data:

  • the keywords related to your website;
  • the CTR (Click Through Rate), that is, the percentage that the web page must be displayed to receive a click;
  • the number of clicks users make on your website or the total number of visitors;
  • the impressions of the web on the results of the search engine;
  • Average position of the website in the results.


In addition, if your site is oriented towards a specific geographic segment, within Google Search Console you can indicate it and thus, Google will consider your page more relevant within this region and will limit the appearance of the site in the results for other locations.

Of course, if you have a domain such as .mx, .ar and .co, Google will automatically consider their respective country as local. With all these techniques and data, you will be able to monitor where the traffic to your website comes from, as well as establish actions that contribute to increasing the quality and quantity of visitors that enter your site.

This functionality is present in the old version of Search Console, nothing more. But you can access it from the new version and configure it normally.

Get ideas for content updates

In the queries tab, within the "Search results" section, you can identify the keywords used by users to reach the pages of your website.

I give you an example from our blog. In this part of the Search Console, we can implement a filter per page and find out which terms generate the most impressions and clicks in the SERPs.

For our full content on marketing, the main queries are:

  • When noticing that the query "marketing concept" has a high volume of impressions, we can insert this term in the SEO title, for example, to increase the probability that our page will rank better when the user makes this specific query.
  • You can also brainstorm new terms to include in your content depending on the country you want to reach with those materials.
  • Assuming the article is about Marketing, you can apply the country filter to find related and locally used terms, such as "marketing" (New York) or "marketing" (Washington DC).

Follow the development of the indexing with the inspection of URLs

Within the tool there is a section that shows the evolution of the indexing of your page within Google, that is, the relevance of the content or the domain as part of the results. Likewise, it informs about those pages that have been suppressed or blocked for incurring irregularities or prohibitions. The status of the indexing within Google Search Console allows detecting errors in the sitemap or the robot.txt file, where the instructions for indexing are contained.

Finally, this section gives the possibility of telling Google about a specific URL, which should not be taken as a result for your search engine.

To find this information you must write the URL of a page that you want to monitor in the search bar. On this page, you can also request that the Google algorithm re-track it, and if you do this page will be added to a priority tracking queue. This resource can be very useful when you do a content update, for example, because this way you can gain positions in the SERPs more quickly.

Identify errors and irregularities in the tracking

Use Google Search Console for SEO to find out about problems that have arisen when Google crawls your web page, such as pages that do not exist or broken links. Surely the famous 404 error comes to mind, which originates when Google cannot access the URL that the user requests, an error can be fixed using the Redirects 301 command.

This section is recommended to be used frequently, to avoid a bad user experience within your website.

Create sitemaps

sitemap or site map is nothing more than a list or map of all the URLs that are contained within your web page along with their descriptions. From this section of the tool, you can create, add and modify your sitemap so that Google can index it on all its pages.

This is essential to optimize search engine optimization since there is no appearance in search engines without first having been indexed.

The good news is that creating it is very simple and will only depend on the platform and the team or person who manages said content. Once created, from the tool you will only have to click "Add" or "Test Sitemap" and it will take a maximum of 72 hours to index the URLs of the sitemap.

Analyze links

Within this section, it is possible to know the quantity and quality of the links that your web page or domain is receiving, in addition to visualizing which are these sites, the number of times that each one links or the main domains that contain the greatest number of links directly to your website. When we talk about positioning techniques thanks to Google Search Console for SEO, the quality of the links in conjunction with valuable content provides a great benefit to climb to the top of the search engines.

Likewise, this tool allows you to determine the distribution of domain authority, by displaying a list of the URLs within your website that have the most internal links.


By using the Google Seach Console for SEO, various actions can be designed, executed, and managed that undoubtedly favor the positioning of a web page within search engines.

All the information and data provided by the tool allow SEO and Digital Marketing professionals, especially Content, to develop strategies and make correct decisions based on the reality of a site with respect to search engines. You can't stop using it! It is really an essential utility for those who work and struggle to position sites within Google and, in addition, it is totally free, easy to use, and intuitive.



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